Our Company COO has provided professional HR advice for the following situation in the interview with Sky Post published on January 3, 2020:

A case was shared at a Hong Kong online discussion forum: the leaving employee had bad relationships with the supervisor and decided to not work properly and try to screw things up during the last month of his working period.

As an expert in employment screening and human resources in Hong Kong, our Company COO has suggested not to engage in destructive behaviours during the last working period. This will potentially harm the leaving employee in the future when the future employer is doing reference check.

Furthermore, a good exit plan should be in place, such as creating a work checklist, project progress updates for the team, filing for any work and customer data as well timely inform clients who would be their upcoming account managers. Any of these actions that assist to provide a smooth hand-over will leave a good long-term impression for the employer.

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