Hong Kong Background Check

HR Focused Hong Kong Background Check Solutions

eeVoices is the leading employment screening and background check firm in Hong Kong currently conducting 100,000+ Hong Kong background checks annually with thousands of employers utilizing our services for hiring decisions in Hong Kong.

Our Hong Kong background check solutions are being trusted by leading financial institutions and banks, government agencies, reputable retail and brands, education institutions, property development and management companies as well as other reputable firms locally and internationally.

Hong Kong

Services We Provide

What is included in a typical Hong Kong Background Check Service package?

Different Hong Kong background check service packages are being tailored for different industries and position roles. Hong Kong background check service packages might often include global verification service items in which our firm is fully capable in assisting companies in customizing their own service package in a full compliance and legal basis. A typical Hong Kong background check service package often includes the following items:

Hong Kong Bankruptcy Record Check

Obtain any bankruptcy or insolvency record via official sources in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Civil Litigation and Credit Check

Obtain Hong Kong civil litigation and credit information via official sources.

Hong Kong Criminal Record Check and Certificate

Obtaining criminal records via certificate, police, court or public records allowed by the local laws.

Hong Kong Directorship Record Check

Identify directorship records from government authorities, company registries or other official sources.

Education and Professional Qualification Verification

Verify education qualifications with the education institutions or its authorized agencies in a global basis.

Hong Kong Employment History Verification (Global Access)

Verify employment records with the previous employers or its authorized agencies in Hong Kong and globally.

Hong Kong Employment
Reference Check (Global Access)

Conduct performance reference check with previous supervisors in Hong Kong and globally.

Global Adverse Dataset and Blacklists Check

Conduct searches for adverse records in different publicly available sources allowed by privacy laws.

Hong Kong Background Check FAQs

Some Quick Tips

How Long Does It Take to Complete a Typical Hong Kong Background Check?

Hong Kong background check services involving database searches would usually take around 3 to 7 business days to complete.  The service turnaround time for Hong Kong background check services that require responses from other third parties varies but eeVoices will provide customers with any preliminary results and progress report in 7 to 14 business days to keep customers updated with the latest progress for the hiring decisions.

How Do You Conduct Hong Kong Reference Check and Employment Verification?
Hong Kong reference check involves connecting with the previous supervisors in obtaining performance related data while Hong Kong employment verification involves connecting with the previous employers directly to obtain any data stored at the HR department. While both services can be purchased and conducted separately, it is vital and organizations are also being advised that both Hong Kong reference check and Hong Kong employment verification are completed for each individual job within 5 to 7 years within the Data Subject’s resume.  At eeVoices, different questions are being included in the questionnaire templates for Hong Kong reference check and Hong Kong employment verification among companies in different industries. A typical Hong Kong reference check takes 3 to 7 days to complete and a typical Hong Kong employment verification would take an average of 10 to 15 business days to wait for the reply from the previous employers.
How Do You Conduct Hong Kong Criminal Record Check?
Similar to other countries, Hong Kong criminal record check services can be conducted via police record, court record and publicly available record. While obtaining a Certificate of Good Conduct / Certificate of No Criminal Conviction can only be conducted for immigration and visa purposes, Hong Kong criminal record check options are often tailored for different industry needs which involve different workflows, procedures and protocols. By utilizing eeVoices’ Hong Kong criminal record check services, employers are utilizing industry standard practices that are fully in compliance with the local laws and regulations. Different approaches involving different service turnaround time may also be tailored for the Hong Kong criminal record check services for different employers.
Why Do employers Conduct Hong Kong Background Check?

Employers conduct Hong Kong background checks for different purposes including the below:

  • Minimize the risk of hiring the wrong individuals via an effective Hong Kong pre-employment screening programs.
  • Make better hiring decisions via the Hong Kong background check results.
  • Fulfil regulatory and compliance requirements.
  • Know more about who they are hiring via qualitative data in the Hong Kong background check reports.
How Much Does a Typical Hong Kong Background Check Service Package Cost?

A basic Hong Kong background check service package for pre-employment screening starts from a few hundred Hong Kong dollars. The price may go up as more background check items are added to the Hong Kong background check package due to the hiring needs.
There is no set up fee involved which means that your firm will be able to fully utilize eeVoices’ online systems delivered at the highest industry standards complying with various data privacy laws and regulations globally.

Which Data Privacy Laws Do Employers have to be Aware of When Conducting Background Check in Hong Kong?

To conduct background check in Hong Kong, employers would need to ensure their practice complies and align with the data privacy laws and regulations in Hong Kong: The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “PDPO”). There are six data protection principles in PDPO:

– Purpose and Manner of Collection

– Accuracy and Duration of Retention

– Use of Data

– Data Security

– Openness and Transparency

– Access and Correction

It is advised that employers conducting background check in Hong Kong or against Data Subjects in Hong Kong be fully familiar with PDPO and ensure the Data Subject’s rights are being protected. Other than PDPO, labor laws and regulations related to the specific background check (e.g., criminal record check) should also be studied prior to conducting them to ensure the proper procedures protocols are in place. As always, data privacy laws and regulations like The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) apply for all EU Data Subject across geographic locations. Additionally, if your background check package involves data collection and transfer to other foreign countries, it is crucial that those regional data privacy laws and regulations are being considered and complied in your background check program.



You will be advised by our professional consultants with industry best practices in quality level and protocols.

Fast Turnaround Time

Responsive feedback led by experienced consultants.

Professional Protocols

Industry specific protocols to satisfy different compliance and HR needs.

HR Focused Technologies

Technologies developed with a vision in mind for HR.

Industry Best Practice

Benchmark with the best practices executed in other reputable firms.

Ready to connect with our consultants at Singapore, Hong Kong and China now?


eeVoices is one of the leading employment screening and analytics firms in Hong Kong, Singapore, China and other Asia Pacific regions.​


15/F, Nexxus Building, 41 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong




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