Our Company COO has shared some interesting findings related to background check in a newspaper interview with Hong Kong Economic Times:
Exaggerating the length of service or position role in a previous job is common. One example is that a job candidate was terminated and only worked for a job for 6 months but exaggerated to have worked there for 2 years to satisfy the job requirement of 2 – 3 years’ work experience.
A more serious exaggeration case was that a candidate has worked in a firm as a junior officer but claimed to be the Vice President of the company. Another similar case was a salesperson lied to have worked as the sales director of a major firm in Hong Kong.
Finally, our Company COO has commented that unlike many established firms having thorough background check protocols in place, SMEs often do not have such practice. While it’s totally understandable that SMEs might not have the budget for proper background check conducted by third party vendors, a simple reference check with previous employer shall be conducted to minimize the potential risk of hiring the wrong individuals.
If you are interested to read the more about the information at Hong Kong Economic Times, follow the link below: https://topick.hket.com/article/1393736/%E6%96%87%E5%93%A1%E6%89%AE%E5%89%AF%E7%B8%BD%E8%A3%81%20%20%20%20%E5%81%BD%E9%80%A0%E5%B1%A5%E6%AD%B7%E5%A5%BD%E8%AA%87%E5%BC%B5